
Headaches - just headaches, or with migraines, or from neck pain, or as your jaw pain gets worse - we treat them all.

The myofascial headache (tension headache) is a lot more prevalent than previously thought. Especially when associated with TMJ disorders, bruxism and cervicogenic headaches.

People with headaches do not often present with one simple musculoskeletal source. It is usually more complex combination of factors and a combination of therapies can be needed to relieve the symptoms.

People with headaches, orofacial pain and bruxism provide a complex ‘story’ as there are so many structures which can be responsible for their symptoms/pain.

The International Classification of Headache Disorders

Headache Sufferers:

Many headache people suffer different types of headaches, most likely 2 different types.

Any chronic sufferers of headaches can also develop secondary anxiety or depressive features compounding (making worse) the clients symptoms/presentation.

Research shows that if a human body is in pain for 6 months or longer, you will show signs of depression, because it is just not normal to be in pain for that long.

Interestingly enough, jaw pain/TMD often presents to the sufferer as anxiety first, instead of actual pain. So once the area is treated and the pathology/sore bit is healing or healed, the anxiety goes quickly.

Some headaches if left to continue (i.e no medication, rest, therapy, postural change) can worsen and progress into migraine type pain (non aura). Chronic pain ensues and anxiety worsens and it becomes a viscous circle of which one aggravates the other - lack of sleep?, pain?, anxiety......most likely all of them influence each other.

Neck Related Headaches

  • C0-1 pattern - band around head, above eyebrows, top of crown and up and over ears from base of skull (occiput), and often a feeling of ear blockage.

  • C1-2 pattern - through eyebrows, tear duct areas, then moves diagonally up to crown down to neck/back of skull. Band over top of head (feels like a hot on the head). Can be one sided or both.

  • C2-3 pattern (most common) - upper traps/neck and up an over head to behind eyes, sinus areas of face, significant nausea and vomiting as well. Can be one sided or both

  • Combination of 2 of the above can occur as well

Most of Leigh's clients with TMD/Migraine/Tension type headaches have women's health conditions as well. Most of these clients have not had a blood test of their sex hormones (progesterone, estrogen, DHEA, and testosterone) to see if they are low.
Particularly low progesterone can lead to; headaches, migraines, TMD, bruxism, insomnia, body pain, fatigue, low mood, hot flushes, poor memory, poor brain attention span, and much more. (you don't have to have all the symptoms). Many of Leigh's clients are on the bio identical progesterone (sometimes also DHEA & testosterone) and have a vast improvement in keeping their migraines/TMD/bruxism and women's health conditions away. 

Jaw Headaches

Temple headache

Most clients who suffer TMD/jaw pain will have radiating pain into their temples, causing a headache. Once the jaw joint inflammation (disc or synovitis) is treated, the headache will go away. Note – acupuncturing the temporalis muscle whilst the jaw joint is inflamed will give the client a massive headache. So make sure you see someone who treats this area all the time.

Night clenching and grinding headache

Usually headaches come on immediately with waking up in the morning.  It is due to excessive clenching in your sleep. Everyone on the planet clenches, however different medical conditions can increase this clench reflex and cause jaw pain and headaches. If your headaches are only on waking, it is from excessive clenching at night. So a night splint is not just your answer. You need to have a full medical as well. Most GP's are not aware of all the medical triggers for TMD, so see us for your full medical enquiry. One of the major contributors can be due to sleep apnoea. If you are still tired after a full night’s sleep, seek sleep studies.

Headache Journal Research - Read More

Clinically we are noticing triggers for increased clenching at night (bruxism):

  • Gastrointestinal problems (leaky gut, IBS, anaemia etc),

  • Respiratory blockages (deviated septums, rhinitis, polyps etc),

  • Change in hormones (teenage years, menopause, pregnancy etc),

  • Changes in medication,

  • Alcohol usage, and more.

We are also noticing clinically, triggers which increase your day clenching;

  • Increased use of computer screen use, poor posture, concentrating, stress.

Lack of Sleep and Headaches:

It is important to note that headaches may also be associated with respiratory sleep disorders such as limitation of airflow (upper resistance syndrome, UARS), or cessation of breathing (sleep apnea) (Gold et al 2003).

We know now that a lack of sleep with increase your pain levels and thus you get more headaches. Which starts first, less sleep due to pain of headaches, or the other way round. Both are true and impact on your pain and headaches. (see the OPPERA studies)

Other Reasons

  • Diet

    • New research into diet and repeated use of anti-biotics as a child are showing alteration in gut biomes, which can cause an over activity of nitrate producing bacteria which in turn produce nitric oxide, which causes vaso dilation of blood vessels and can create head pain.

  • Auto Immune Disorders

    • Lupus, Endometriosis, Elhros Danhos, Autism, etc

  • Hormonal Imbalances

    • For women - Endo, Polycystists ovary syndrome, menopause, etc.

    • Usually progesterone is the first hormone used to treat the imbalance. You can find out by having a simple blood test for -  progesterone, oestrogen, DHEA, testosterone. We are finding that natural grade progesterone is the best to reduce; all over body pain/fibromyalgia, migraine, TMD, hot flushes, low mood, insomnia and it is safe. Natural progesterone is protective against breast cancer and heart attack (unlike the synthetic pill)

    • Useful and evidence based information can be found here - Dr Dan Pursers's - Progresterone Book (for women)

      And the Period Repair Manual

  • For Men

    • low testosterone can lead to floppy airways and thus restricted airways. Get your GP to check with a simple blood test.

  • Gut Disorders

    • Anaemia, Leaky Gut, IBS etc