Women’s Health & Anxiety

Better airways = reduced grinding/clenching, thus less symptoms (jaw/head/migraine/neck pain)

Good airways = NO or low Sugar & processed foods + Hormone Balance + Weight Loss

The Science is in for good airways at night for women. When all your muscles are relaxed, Progesterone and thyroxine support your airway muscle tone. If they are low, your airways become floppy and the clenching/grinding increases.

Talk to Leigh on options on hormone balance (without it you will find it very difficult to lose weight) and other biochemistry important to support whole health.

Leigh has dedicated this page to women like her, who have struggled for a long time with many chronic diseases and haven't had a lot of helpful advice, or have been fobbed off as ''you're just an anxious female''.

It is no longer good enough to say this and to dismiss a women's pain.

Leigh has suffered for over 30 years with 7/10 pain due to severe Endometriosis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue and IBS (explosive, passing out on the toilet regularly non lady like behaviour!). And at the age of 38 (2014) she was ready to die, because she couldn't handle the pain any longer. After seeing every specialist in Perth and London, Leigh found an amazing nutritionist/natropath, bio identic Progesterone, and she started psychotherapy with Buddhist Philosophy with Angela Hyrniuk and her pain is now 2-4/10 and hasn't had IBS for 4 years now. My brain evolution story continues with personal development through reading, meditation daily and further pain transformation work with Inna Segal’s courses.

Leigh’s Journey -

All physical conditions/injuries have a psychological component. However, it is not appropriate for a doctor to say to you, oh you just need a psychologist without explaining the process and connecting with you as human being and helping you understand your illness.

Quick Fix Tip - for Sore Necks/Headaches/Migraines/Larger Women - Get a Good Fitting Bra - DeBra’s - Read More

Menstruation, Hormones etc.

What many women don't know is that when you menstruate (get your period) you release a big amount of inflammatory products 3 days before your period. If you have a weak area in your body, ie your neck, you are going to flare up this injury/weaker area. Or it will increase your clench reflex and flare up your jaw pain/clenching and can set off headaches/migraines.

Women with mild headaches around period time can get away with taking natural or chemical anti inflammatory products 4-5 days before your period starts to stop your neck pain/jaw pain/lower back pain. (Better to reduce inflammatory foods in your diet, esp sugar). Leigh's gynaecologist suggested this.

Leigh highly recommends teaching young women on the onset of menstruation, to listen to your body, rest in the beginning of your cycle, don't exercise heavily, eat really good foods and sleep more, and to keep this up throughout your life. 

And the more Leigh has read about the evolution of women, it is more normal not to have a period, ie when we were in hunter and gatherer groups, we were either pregnant or breast feeding, so we weren't having a period. In todays pharmacological world, the pill encourages a monthly bleed, and thus many of us are low in iron/B12/energy, and feel tired and wiped out. It was life changing for her, to hear from my gynaecologist and books, that you don't need to have a period every month, only if you want to get pregnant.

Most of Leigh's clients with TMD/Migraine/Tension type headaches have women's health conditions as well.

Most of these clients have not had a blood test of their sex hormones (progesterone, estrogen, DHEA, and testosterone) to see if they are low. Particularly low progesterone can lead to; headaches, migraines, TMD, bruxism, body pain, fatigue, low mood, hot flushes, poor memory, poor brain attention span, and much more. (you dont have to have all the symptoms). Many of Leigh's clients are on the bio identical progesterone (sometimes also DHEA & testosterone) and have a vast improvement in keeping their migraines/TMD/bruxism and women's health conditions away. 

Hormones and Breathing / Clenching

Evidence shows that Progesterone (in women) and Thyroxine (women and men) support upper respiratory tone (open airways). Thus less clenching, possibly grinding in sleep. Reference; Tarja Saaresranta 1Olli Polo. Hormones and Breathing, Chest. 2002 Dec;122(6):2165-82. doi: 10.1378/chest.122.6.2165.

It’s important that your doctor knows the different levels of hormones for the different ages and when to test. The nurse practitioner I refer to likes the blood test taken on day 21 of your cycle. If you are 18yrs - 40yrs the Luteal phase of your progesterone should be > 30. Over 40yrs it is a lot more complex and you need to talk it over with your nurse practitioner or endocrinologist.

Some Useful Resources:

Gut Health - Useful Resources

Gut health is so important and bad gut bacteria is perhaps responsible for depression and auto immune disorders, see these studies:



If you talk to psychologists they know that prescribing anti depressants and anti anxiety tablets only work if you combine them with therapy. And the drugs are only supposed to be used for the short term 3 months - 5 years to support the brain changes which occur in therapy. They are not magic pills allowing you to ignore your mental health. Nothing in life has a quick fix. Most drugs have long term side effects.

Many doctors are seeing that CBT only address the injury and mental hurt at the intellectual level, the brain level. However many of the traumas that cause disease processes occur from the emotional reaction to an incident, ie what it felt like in the moment, what is know as the heart trauma. Many successful therapists will use other tools to address this heart trauma, like inner child work and Buddhism.

Leigh uses a Master Buddhist teacher, Angela Hryniuk, who continues to help her transform her life. If you want to upgrade your neural brainwashing and pathways from childhood, which patterned us to our reactions as an adult, your life will absolutely change. You can begin to see your emotions as a choice, not your driving life reaction. You will learn to BE a human, not react as a grown up hurt child.

Dr Joe Dispenza is pretty amazing and is using science to prove what Buddhism has known for 2,600 years.

Inna Segal is the Spiritualist who all the Doctors go to when they are sick, but dont tell you!? Her book - The secret Language of Your Body - is essential and tells you where your illness are coming from - highly insightful. There is one at each office if you want to check it out.

Free audio book on you tube - Zero Limits - Hawaiian philosophy - Ho oponopono

A Good Bra - DeBra’s

It is really to have a good fitting bra, that supports your upper back, rather than putting stress on your neck.

  • The back of the bra should look like a sports bra.

  • Its easier if it does up at the front, like these bra's do.

  • If you can get away with it, don't have an underwire.

  • And its an Australian company.

  • Most ladies with large chests say that it takes away 50% of neck pain and most of their headaches.

  • I say where your good fitting work during the day, and go free at home. Good for the muscles to learn to actively hold you in place as well.

DeBra’s - Read More